The Lord has spoken to my heart about birthing this fellowship with churches, ministries, and businesses where they can come together for training, edifying, and fellowship. This fellowship offers a safe atmosphere for Christian leaders to be encouraged and also equipped them with tools they will need to advance the Kingdom of God. To encourage them to keep the zeal and inspiration to grow and attain the level of excellence, integrity and influence that is within them.
Out of this fellowship will be birthed out many of like-minded individuals, who will multiply and be effective as we arise in like faith to impact nations in a much greater way than one church or ministry could do by themselves.
With this type of resource sharing and the corporate anointing, the church will love into a place of not just power but influence that many have not seen with eye or ear. We come together and unite, having one mind and being on one accord with one focus to gather the end time harvest of souls and receive the wealth of the wicked that is laid up for the lust. We are coming together no longer separated but being fitly joined together to make an impact on this nation.
If you feel the leading of the Holy Spirit to be a part of this fellowship that I believe will help you perfect your gifts and play a major role in acknowledging the return of the Lord Jesus Christ,
I encourage you to read through the material and submit your application.
Apostle Pamela Burke